Posts in Politics
Building it Better: Reconstructing a Healthier U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program

Once a leader in providing refuge to individuals displaced by global conflict, the U.S. has all but stopped taking in refugees, many of whom have been displaced for years and are in need of critical medical attention. As we look towards rebuilding the US refugee resettlement program, we must employ innovative strategies that will provide better support for newly arrived refugees, allowing them to thrive in their new home.

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Interviewing William Lopez: The Health Impacts of United States Immigration Policy in the Context of the Trump Administration and COVID-19

If you are worried about being racially profiled, then public spaces like sidewalks and streets become these spaces of deportation and are avoided. When you can’t drive and you can’t walk outside your own door, you don’t see people, you don’t go to grocery stores, you don’t go to gyms, and you don’t go to churches, all things we know impact our health.

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